5.8 Fire!
I came back from shopping and as soon as I opened the door to my flat, it was clear that something wasn't right.
There was a strange light in the kitchen and smoke was billowing under the door.
At that moment it hit me.
I hadn't turned off the cooker and I left oil in a pan on the hob!
I had no idea what to do.
For a moment I just stood there, unable to move.
When I finally recovered, I called the fire brigade.
It took almost a quarter of an hour for them to arrive.
The kitchen was already in flames.
It was alright in the end. I mean, the kitchen was ruined of course, but at least no-one was hurt.
Vrátila jsem se z nákupu a jen co jsem otevřela dveře do bytu, bylo mi jasné, že něco není v pořádku.
V kuchyni bylo podivné světlo a zpod dveří se valil kouř.
V tu chvíli mi to došlo.
Nevypnula jsem sporák a nechala jsem na plotýnce pánvičku s olejem.
Vůbec jsem nevěděla, co dělat.
Chvíli jsem tam jen tak stála, neschopná pohybu.
Pak jsem se konečně vzpamatovala a zavolala hasiče.
Trvalo to skoro čtvrt hodiny, než přijeli.
To už v kuchyni plápolaly plameny.
Nakonec to dopadlo docela dobře, celá kuchyň je sice zničená, ale aspoň se nikomu nic nestalo.